Explosive Compaction
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The sequential detonation of explosives has been used for the following applications in mine development and reclamation technology:

• Compaction of dam foundations to mitigate liquefaction potential in loose granular deposits. The method is particularly economic where large depths and areas of improvement are required.

• Reduction of volume of existing mine tailings, consisting of sand/silt particles with small to low plasticity, to increase storage volumes of tailings dams and reduce the need for additional tailings dam raises. Volume reductions equal to 10% of the saturated tailings thickness are typically achievable, depending on initial densities of the tailings.

• Use of explosives to “fluff up” abandoned heap leach pads, which are largely unsaturated, to homogenized the mass of granular material, eliminate preferred drainage channels and plugging of the particulate material, and permit additional leaching of the pad and abandoned mineral recovery to occur.


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